Colloque EPIGRAM 2012, Ile de Ré, 23 Mai au 25 Mai 2012

- Observations in situ / campagnes / satellitales

application/pdf Courantologie radar: avancées méthodologiques et perspectives pour l'exploitation des données (P. Forget, Y. Barbin, A. Sentchev)
application/pdf HF Radars in the Bay of Biscay: last studies outlines & LORAIA proposal (J. Mader et al.)
application/pdf The use of coastal altimetry to explore the continental shelf dynamics - Joint study with ASPEX and MOUTON/PROTEVS measurements in 2009-2011 (G. Charria, A. Le Boyer et al.)

- Etats de mer et dynamique littorale

application/pdf Surf zone to inner shelf transition ...(F. Ardhuin et al.)
application/pdf La surcôte et la submersion associées à la tempête Xynthia (X. Bertin)

- Axe "Marée"

application/pdf Barotropic tidal modelling: sensitivity to bottom drag (M. Boutet, C. Lathuilière, R. Baraille, Y. Morel)
application/pdf Influence of bottom friction and vertical diffusivityparametrization in a 3D barotropic model,comparison with observations in the Iroise sea (Y. Soufflet, F. Lyard)
application/pdf Numerical model and observations of interactions between a continental shelf tidal front and a barotropic jet (T. Szekely, L. Marié, Y. Morel)

- Influence de l'atmosphère et des panaches fluviaux

application/pdf On the mixed layer depth in the Bay of Biscay during Spring/Summer 2010 (F. Gouillon)
application/pdf On river numerical implementation in OGCMs (F. Gouillon)

- Modélisation régionale réaliste

application/pdf The IBI system (B. Levier et al.)

- Axe "ondes internes"

application/pdf Observations of internal tide dissipation and mixing during Mouton2008 (X. Xie et al.)

- Circulation générale et saisonnières, échanges côte/large

application/pdf Monitoring of a quasi-stationary eddy by means of satellite, in situ and model data (A. Caballero et al.)
application/pdf Meddies and Swoddies in the Bay of Biscay :Observations and QG modelling (X. Carton, B. Le Cann, A. Serpette, J. Dubert)
application/pdf Shelf / Upper Slope Circulationin the Bay of Biscayfrom July 2009 to August 2011 (A. Le Boyer et al.)