Colloque EPIGRAM 2011, Ile de Ré, 30 Mai au 1er Juin 2011

- Modélisation régionale réaliste

application/pdf Real time modeling of the bay of Biscay (S. Louazel, R. Baraille, A. Pichon, C. Lathuilière, Y. Morel)

application/pdf Modelling the Channel and the Bay of Biscay using the MARS model (F. Vandermeirsch, G. Charria, M. Sourisseau, et al.)

application/pdf Sea level modeling using HYCOM in the bay of Biscay : introduction of atmospheric pressure effects (C. Lathuilière, R. Baraille, L. Pineau-Guillou, Y. Morel)

application/pdf Joint validation in IBI (J. Mader)

- Observations in situ / campagnes / satellitales

application/pdf Mapping near-inertial variability in the SE Bay of Biscay from HF radar data and two offshore moored buoys (A. Rubio, G. Reverdin, A. Fontán, M. González, J. Mader)

application/pdf Observing the Channel and the Bay of Biscay: Satellite for assimilation, in situ based climatology (F. Vandermeirsch, G. Charria)

application/pdf SNOCO - In situ observations (G. Charria)

application/pdf L'environnement physique sur le plateau continental du Golfe de Gascogne:expériences ASPEX et FROMVAR (L. Marié)

application/pdf Description of acoustic float data: CONGAS 2004 - 2010 (B. Le Cann, A. Serpette)

application/pdf Fine-resolution altimetry data for a regional application in the Bay of Biscay (R.Dussurget, F. Birol, R. Morrow, L. Roblou, P. De Mey)

- Assimilation

application/pdf Groupe de travail sur l'assimilation de données dans le Golfe de Gascogne et mers côtières (P. De Mey)

- Axe "Marée"

application/pdf Tidal front numerical modeling (A. Pasquet, Y. Morel, R. Baraille)

application/pdf Dynamics of the Ushant front in the Iroise sea (T. Szekely, L. Marié, Y. Morel)

application/pdf Surface circulation in the Iroise Sea from HFR observations: results & perspectives (P. Forget, A. Sentchev, Y. Barbin, L. Marié)

- Axe "ondes internes"

application/pdf Observation of internal tides and solitary waves during Mouton 2008 (X. Xie, P. Bouruet Aubertot, Y. Cuypers, A. Lourenço, A. Pichon, B. Ferron)

application/pdf Non linear internal tides, turbulent mixing in the continental shelf of South Brittany (Y. Cuypers, P. Bouruet Aubertot, P. Lazure, A. Lourenço, M. Lunven, M. Sourisseau, L. Velo-Suarez)

- Influence de l'atmosphère et des panaches fluviaux

application/pdf The Bay of Biscay mixed layer structure and evolution (F. Gouillon, Y. Morel, R. Baraille)

application/pdf Idealized river plume study (M. Boutet, F. Gouillon, R. Baraille, Y. Morel)

application/pdf Ocean Response to the Klaus storm (24/25 Jan 2009) in the Bay of Biscay as modelled by Symphonie (G. Herbert, N. Ayoub, F. Lyard, P. Marsaleix)

application/pdf Air-Sea Interaction from DINEOF reconstructed daily satellite SST images (G. Esnaola, P. Lazure, J. Sáenz)

- Etats de mer et dynamique littorale

application/pdf Numerical modelling of waves in strong currents, a tribute to Owen Phillips (F. Ardhuin, A. Roland)

application/pdf A new 3D fully wave-current model MARS-WWATCH III: Application to the Biscarosse beach (A-C. Bennis, F. Ardhuin, F. Dumas)

application/pdf Wave-induced current in a 3D circulation model (H. Michaud, Y. Leredde, P. Marsaleix, C. Estournel, F. Ardhuin)

- Circulation générale et saisonnières, échanges côte/large

application/pdf The Landes current (F. Batifoulier, P. Lazure, P. Bonneton)

application/pdf ASPEX 2009-2010: Statistics on the Bay of Biscay Circulation (A. Le Boyer, P. Lazure, L. Marié, G. Charria, B. Le Cann)

application/pdf Temperature event along the 60 m depth isobath in November 2009 (A. Le Boyer)